News & PR
January 30, 2025
The Board of Directors of Hammond-Henry Hospital in Geneseo announces the appointment of a new Interim CEO Bradley Solberg, MHA, formerly of Geneseo, effective February 12.
view article »December 19, 2024
The Hammond-Henry Hospital Board of Directors have announced that Dave Smith is no longer the organization’s Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Jodie Criswell, Chief Financial Officer, has been named interim CEO. Criswell has been with the organization for 14 years. The Board of Directors is seeking other candidates to fill the permanent role.
view article »December 19, 2024
The Board of Directors and Administration are pleased to announce that Dr. John Dooley will offer pain management services at Hammond-Henry Hospital in Geneseo, beginning January 7. Dr. Dooley’s office will be in the Surgical/Pain Management Clinic, located on the second floor of the hospital. Those interested in scheduling an appointment now are encouraged to call 309.944.1595. No referrals are necessary. A public open house will be held for Dr. Dooley on Tuesday, January 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Hospital Dining Room. All interested are welcome to attend.
view article »December 6, 2024
Our Long Term Care residents recently completed this beautiful Winter Wonderland Quilt! Proud of their efforts, they and the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation have chosen to raffle this quilt to help fund special projects. The quilt can be seen in the Long Term Care entryway at Hammond-Henry Hospital during business hours. Cost of the raffle tickets are $1 per ticket or $5 for six. Cash or checks made out to HHH Foundation will be accepted. The drawing date will be on December 20 at noon. Tickets can be purchased in the LTC facility from Activities Staff.
view article »November 18, 2024
The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) announced its “4 Under 40” Hospital Leadership winners, including Wyatt Brieser, VP of Operations, Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo, during the organization’s Annual Conference held November 14 at the I-Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign. He is joined in this honor by Jessica Delost, Chief Compliance and Legal Officer, Gibson Area Hospital, Gibson City; Erin Frank, Director of Marketing & Communications, Horizon Health, Paris; and Kristy Wisslead, APRN-FN, Memorial Hospital, Carthage.
view article »October 31, 2024
The Board of Directors and Administration are pleased to announce that Owen McConnell, DC, ATC, LAT, will start his chiropractic practice at Hammond-Henry Hospital in Geneseo in December. Dr. McConnell’s office will be in the Geneseo Clinic, located on the first floor of the hospital. Those interested in scheduling appointments may do so by calling the Geneseo Medical Group at 309.944.1275. He will also accept walk-ins.
view article »October 25, 2024
The North Parking Lot is now open for patient parking. However, the repair, paving, and striping work continues on Center Street, adjacent to the North Parking Lot and up to Dietary Delivery Door 6E. For this reason, Center Street will be closed at 5 am Monday, October 28 until 6 pm Tuesday, October 29. The Northeast Employee Parking Lot will not be available during this time. Employees are encouraged to park in the Masonic Lodge lot off North College Avenue.
view article »October 23, 2024
To improve the safety of patients, visitors, and staff, we will be resurfacing the North Parking Lot as well as a section of Center Street October 23 through October 29. Beginning at 6 pm, Wednesday, October 23 until 6 pm Sunday, October 27, the North Parking Lot will be closed to make repairs and to complete paving as well as striping. Patients have been instructed to park in the Northeast Employee Parking Lot during this time. Temporary handicapped parking is located at the current Physician Parking, next to the Ambulance entrance.
view article »October 1, 2024
For the seventh year in a row, the Geneseo Police Department is supporting Women’s Health Services at Hammond-Henry Hospital. This began in 2018, when Chief Casey Disterhoft heard that other departments in the country were wearing pink patches for breast cancer awareness during the month of October. In that moment, a plan was conceived. Pink patches were sold the first year. T-shirts, masks, and stainless-steel tumblers are a few of the items sold since. This year, thanks to an anonymous donor, a half cow including processing (approximately a $2,500 value) will be raffled with the goal of raising funds and awareness. There is a second-place prize of a Geneseo gift basket. The drawing will be held November 8.
view article »September 13, 2024
The Board of Directors of Hammond-Henry Hospital and its Administration announce the addition of Dr. James Schrier, FACS, General Surgeon, to its hospital staff, beginning November 1. Referrals are necessary to make an appointment, and referrals are currently being accepted by calling 309.944.1595.
view article »September 5, 2024
Patients of Dr. Satkauskas, Dr. Jeffries and Jennifer Brokaw, APRN, may have received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield stating they are no longer in network. Please disregard this letter. We have confirmed these letters were sent out in error and these providers are still in network under Hammond-Henry Hospital. As always, if you would like to confirm providers in your network, or your coverage, we encourage you to contact Blue Cross Blue Shield directly.
view article »August 29, 2024
The Board of Directors of Hammond-Henry Hospital and its Administration welcome four new Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). These highly qualified nurse practitioners, Emily Bess, Jill Clong, Heather Lowry, and Cassandra Olson will serve patients utilizing walk-in services in Geneseo, Annawan, and Colona, and as needed in the Kewanee and Port Byron clinic offices.
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June 17, 2024
The Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary recently awarded more than $40,000 to recipients who are seeking a career in healthcare.
view article »June 11, 2024
Hammond-Henry Hospital's providers will be the featured "super heroes" at the Kewanee Clinic Community Health Fair and Open House on Saturday, June 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is open to the entire family and will include one-on-one opportunities to talk with all the providers and tour the facility, located at 1258 W. South Street in Kewanee.
view article »May 30, 2024
The Board of Directors of Hammond-Henry Hospital and its Administration announce the addition of Sandra Peach, APRN, to its Family Practice staff in the Kewanee Clinic, located at 1258 W. South Street, Kewanee. She will be accepting pediatric and adult patients when she begins her practice on June 24.
view article »May 13, 2024
The Board of Directors and Administration are pleased to announce that Dr. Waseem Ahmad will start his neurology practice at Hammond-Henry Hospital in Geneseo on July 10. Scheduling for July appointments is currently being accepted by calling the Geneseo Medical Group at 309.944.1275.
view article »April 30, 2024
Heather Charlet, Hammond-Henry Hospital Chief Nursing Officer, and Wyatt Brieser, Vice President of Operations, recently completed the Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN's) Rural Health Fellowship, during ceremonies held April 24 at Erin's Pavilion, Springfield. The Fellowship is a six-month leadership development program designed for new and emerging C-suite and C-suite track individuals from Illinois' critical access and rural hospitals or other rural health organizations.
view article »April 25, 2024
Hammond-Henry Hospital's Rehab Department is offering free athletic school physicals for Geneseo students on Thursday, May 2 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. This offering is for all interested Geneseo incoming 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. Students need to bring a properly completed and signed physical form.
view article »April 25, 2024
The Board of Directors of Hammond-Henry Hospital and its Administration announce the addition of Dr. Carlos Avila to its Kewanee Clinic staff. Board certified in Family Medicine, Dr. Avila, who is fluent in English and Spanish, will be accepting pediatric and adult patients when he begins his practice in July. Scheduling is not open for July appointments during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday by calling 309.853.3677.
view article »April 13, 2024
Applications for Hammond-Henry Auxiliary Health Career Scholarships are available online or at the volunteer office at the hospital. The scholarships are for students who reside in the Hammond-Henry Hospital District or have graduated from Geneseo, Cambridge, or Annawan School Districts, and are enrolled in an accredited health career program. The deadline to submit an application for the 2024-25 school year is May 1, 2024. Application forms and information are available at
view article »December 8, 2023
The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) announced its “4 Under 40” Hospital Leadership winners, including Colton Anderson, Director of Clinic Services, Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo, during the organization’s 20th Anniversary Annual Conference, held November 28-29 at the I-Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign. He is joined in this honor with Ashlyn Housewright, Executive Director of Community Health & Wellness, Memorial Hospital, Carthage; Lindsey Culver, Director of Radiology, Lawrence County Memorial Hospital, Lawrenceville; and Jessica Diane Carter, Director of Nursing Services, Ferrell Hospital, Eldorado.
view article »December 7, 2023
The Board of Directors of Hammond-Henry Hospital (HHH) in Geneseo announces the appointment of its new chief executive officer David Smith, MBA, FACHE. Smith brings more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare field with a broad background in critical access, acute, and ambulatory care operations.
view article »October 6, 2023
Twelve students are currently participating in the CNA dual enrollment class that is held during the 2023-24 school year at Hammond-Henry Hospital, in conjunction with Black Hawk College and Geneseo High School. The Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation provided scholarships to these students in the amount of $500/student, and Black Hawk College contributed an additional $100/student, totaling $7,200 in scholarships.
view article »October 6, 2023
The Geneseo Police Department and the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation are selling long-sleeved, "oh so soft" t-shirts, as a fundraiser to promote breast cancer awareness. Shirts are $30 each, and all proceeds will benefit Women’s Health in Imaging right here at Hammond-Henry Hospital. Shirts are available in S-3XL and may be purchased in the Foundation office or at the Geneseo Police Department.
view article »August 31, 2023
From surgery check-in to the procedure on through post-surgery follow-up, we invite you to take a red carpet tour of our hospital's operating rooms, surgical services, surgical clinic, and rehab department. Meet our "rock star" doctors and get an inside look into our robotic surgical systems and more.
view article »August 23, 2023
Hammond-Henry Hospital recently installed a new nurse call system in Long Term Care, Same Day Surgery, and Acute Care, thanks in large part to donations made to the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation, including a Sharing Success Matching Grant through Jo-Carroll Energy Inc. & Co-Bank.
view article »April 10, 2023
The Auxiliary provides health career scholarships to students seeking training in a health career field at an accredited school. Scholarships are awarded for an academic year based on the student's achievement, financial need, and the availability of funds. The deadline to submit your application for these scholarships is on May 1. There are also two other scholarship opportunities available. The deadline for the HHH Medical Staff Scholarship is April 30, and the HHH Foundation Glenn and Betty DeSmith Health Career Scholarship deadline is June 1.
view article »March 16, 2023
The Chartis Center for Rural Health recently announced that Hammond-Henry Hospital has been recognized as a "2023 Top 100 Critical Access Hospital." This annual recognition program honors outstanding performance among the nation's rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX. Hammond-Henry Hospital was the only critical access hospital in Illinois recognized in this category for 2023.
view article »February 9, 2023
Hammond-Henry Hospital announced completion of a $1 million, state-of-the-art laboratory remodel which will be open for viewing by hospital employees from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and to the general public from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 16.
view article »August 29, 2022
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August 8, 2022
Hammond-Henry Hospital Opens Clinic in Orion
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August 2, 2022
The Glenn & Betty DeSmith Scholarship was awarded to three area students seeking a career in healthcare.
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March 28, 2022
Hammond-Henry Hospital Medical Group is pleased to announce the addition of a new nurse practitioner to the family medicine provider group. Elyse Wolf, APN will join the practice in April seeing patients in both Kewanee and Geneseo.
view article »February 1, 2022
For the tenth year in a row, Hammond-Henry Hospital Long Term Care has earned a 5-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid.
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January 3, 2022
The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) recently recognized Hammond-Henry Hospital for its ongoing commitment to exceptional quality of care.
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November 19, 2021
Becky Guthrie, APN specializes in women’s health and will join the practice after the new year.
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October 29, 2021
3D Strong Cancer Wellness program invites those diagnosed with cancer to find fellowship and support.
view article »October 11, 2021
Sarah Dynes, PA-C has been announced as the newest family medicine provider at the Hammond-Henry Hospital Medical Group located in Kewanee, IL.
view article »September 14, 2021
On September 13, 2021 the 17th Annual Golf Outing was hosted by the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation.
view article »August 25, 2021
Hammond-Henry Hospital names Loibl and Appleton as award winners.
view article »August 3, 2021
Three students were awarded scholarships.
view article »June 10, 2021
During the Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary Ice Cream Social, several health career scholarships were awarded to local students.
view article »April 1, 2021
Hammond-Henry Hospital Medical Group – Kewanee has an additional provider accepting new patients.
view article »March 17, 2021
Students from across the area honor Hammond-Henry Hospital employees with donations and words of support.
view article »February 19, 2021
Hammond-Henry Hospital initiated a CNA program for employees to strengthen staff options during COVID-19 pandemic.
view article »January 29, 2021
Raising over $65,000, the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation has purchased self-taking temperature scanners, CAPR helmets and monitors.
view article »November 30, 2020
For nine years in a row, Hammond-Henry Long Term Care Living Center has been awarded a five-star rating by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
view article »September 1, 2020
During the past annual appeal campaign, $60,000 was raised toward the purchase.
view article »August 18, 2020
Hammond-Henry Hospital has been awarded a 5-Star Rating for Patient Experience. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) star rating scores hospitals on a one-to-five-star scale based on the 10 publicly reported measures in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, which assesses patient experiences.
view article »July 31, 2020
Still inside the hospital, the larger space will better accommodate the growing number of providers
Over the past several months, Hammond-Henry Hospital Medical Group – Geneseo (formerly Regional Health Partners) has developed relationships with three new providers - Julie Brown, M.D., Loren Soria, M.D., and Kati Grimes, NP and they, along with their Urgent Care service, are scheduled to swap spaces with Unity Point Clinic Geneseo Family Medicine, effective Monday, August 3. Both medical offices are located on the first floor of Hammond-Henry Hospital at 600 N. College Avenue, Geneseo, IL.
view article »June 16, 2020
The Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary announced scholarship award recipients for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. This year, the Auxiliary awarded twenty-five Health Career Scholarships to area students totaling $26,400. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us all realize the importance of having well-trained health care workers.
view article »June 1, 2020
Hammond-Henry Hospital is now testing anyone that would like to be voluntarily tested for COVID-19 at their Hammond-Henry Regional Health Partners- Kewanee Clinic.
view article »April 28, 2020
Hammond-Henry Home Health along with the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation jump-started a food drive for Home Health patients that are in need or are unable to visit stores due to their condition and COVID-19.
view article »April 20, 2020
Providing a new option for patient visits - appointments from home. Hammond-Henry Hospital introduces Telehealth. Fueled by the current shelter-in-place environment, Telehealth offers patients another option to the traditional office visit. While all Hammond-Henry offices remain open and available to see patients face-to-face, Telehealth provides an online option. With a smartphone, tablet, or computer with webcam and microphone, a patient can discuss their needs virtually face-to-face.
view article »April 14, 2020
Hammond-Henry Hospital is excited to announce that its regional healthcare team continues to grow to better meet the needs of the communities it serves. Kati Grimes, Nurse Practitioner, will begin seeing patients on May 11 at the Hammond-Henry Geneseo Clinic located within the hospital at 600 N. College Avenue, Geneseo, IL.
view article »March 17, 2020
If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or believe you may have or have been exposed to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), here are some steps you can take to get the care you need.
view article »March 3, 2020
Applications for the Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary Health Career Scholarships are available online or at the volunteer office at Hammond-Henry Hospital.
view article »February 6, 2020
5 Star Rating for its commitment to providing the best possible care
view article »January 30, 2020
Dr. Soria to see patients at HHH Regional Health Partners Geneseo Clinic beginning March 2
view article »January 3, 2020
2019 was a stellar year for Hammond-Henry Hospital (HHH). Read on to find out more about HHH 2019 accomplishments.
view article »December 2, 2019
Port Byron Clinic to open in January 2020. Dr. Dodds and Dr. Brown to lead clinic.
view article »November 6, 2019
Julie Brown, M.D. joins Hammond-Henry Regional Health Partners beginning December 2nd.
view article »October 9, 2019
Hammond-Henry Hospital has opened newly renovated emergency department. New entrance for patients and more changes to come as the second half of the project begins.
view article »August 9, 2019
Nicole Lang, R.N. has been named as the latest DAISY award winner at Hammond-Henry Hospital
view article »June 5, 2019
The Hammond-Henry Rehab staff members received training during an in-service with Dr. Gary Gray. Dr. Gray's system focuses on the body moving as one functioning part. This system is what drives the Hammond-Henry Rehab staff and the therapy they apply to their patients.
view article »April 3, 2019
A new board was installed at the Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. Volunteers were recognized for their hours served.
view article »February 26, 2019
Hammond-Henry Hospital has named their newest DAISY award winner, Heath Mullet, R.N.
view article »January 11, 2019
Hammond-Henry Hospital has been awarded full certification to the ISO 9001 Quality Management by DNV GL - Healthcare
view article »December 28, 2018
The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network has recognized Hammond-Henry Hospital for its ongoing commitment to exceptional quality of care.
view article »December 6, 2018
Local police department raises both money and awareness for breast cancer
view article »November 20, 2018
Rich Maynard, C.R.N.A offers a wide variety of treatments for pain management. Aiming for the best outcome, the HHH Pain Clinic staff works with each patient thoroughly.
view article »October 9, 2018
Come visit Hammond-Henry Hospital on Thursday, October 18th and learn about new services and physicians.
view article »September 26, 2018
Funds raised at annual golf outing for Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation
view article »September 24, 2018
New urgent care hours added to Hammond-Henry Regional Health Partners, Geneseo location.
view article »September 6, 2018
Hammond-Henry named as one of the “66 Critical Access Hospitals to Know” by the Becker’s Hospital Review. This is Hammond-Henry Hospital’s fourth consecutive year on the prestigious, national list.
view article »September 5, 2018
Three OB/GYNs from Genesis Health Group in Silvis, IL. are now accepting patients for prenatal and gynecological appointments each week at Hammond-Henry Hospital.
view article »August 22, 2018
Hammond-Henry Hospital announces first recipient of the DAISY Award.
view article »August 14, 2018
After being scored on quality measures, Hammond-Henry Long Term Care joins elite group of hospitals nationwide.
view article »June 7, 2018
The Hammond Henry Hospital Auxiliary announced scholarship award recipients at their annual ice cream social on Thursday, June 7, at the city park in Geneseo, IL. The Auxiliary awarded fifteen Health Career Scholarships to area students totaling $18,000.
view article »December 1, 2017
Hammond-Henry’s Long-Term Care (LTC) Living Center has again received the highest possible overall rating of five stars from The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS annually updates their official government website Nursing Home Compare Five-Star Quality Rankings based on rating nursing homes by three primary categories - health inspections, staffing, and quality measures to develop an overall star rating.
view article »November 1, 2017
The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) recently recognized Hammond-Henry Hospital in Geneseo for its ongoing commitment to exceptional quality of care, during a ceremony held November 14th at the I Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign, IL.
view article »October 1, 2017
Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation hosted their 13th Annual Golf Outing on Monday, September 11, 2017 held at the Kewanee Dunes Golf Club, Kewanee.
view article »August 1, 2017
Hammond-Henry Hospital Home Health receives a 5 out of 5-star rating for patient satisfaction, as listed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Home Health Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (HHCAHPS) conducts an ongoing national standardized survey on patient satisfaction with results being released quarterly.
view article »February 1, 2017
The Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation Annual Giving Project was geared towards raising funds for the Emergency Department to purchase seven new mobile stretchers with a fundraising goal of $44,000.
view article »April 1, 2016
Hammond-Henry Hospital was recently awarded Providigm’s Embracing Quality Award for 2015 for customer satisfaction. In 2015, only 328 nursing centers out of over 15,000 in the US and Ontario received awards, putting Hammond-Henry Hospital in a select group of high performing nursing centers. In Illinois 13 out of 1,200 nursing centers received this award.
view article »July 1, 2015
Geneseo, IL – Hammond-Henry Hospital is one of the nation’s Most Wired Hospitals, according to Hospitals and Health Networks (H&HN), an American Hospital Association publication. As the nation’s health care system transitions to more integrated and patient-centered care, hospitals are utilizing information technology to better connect disparate care providers, according to Health Care’s Most Wired Survey, conducted by Hospitals & Health Networks.
view article »June 1, 2014
Hammond-Henry Hospital was recently named one of the “100 Great Community Hospitals” by Becker’s Hospital Review.
view article »May 1, 2014
Hammond-Henry Hospital was recently named one of the iVantage HEALTHSTRONG© Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in the United States.
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